Online Booking System Archives - Rental Management Solutions Tue, 16 May 2023 18:11:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Booking System Archives - 32 32 Online Booking System Tue, 30 Nov 2021 10:00:00 +0000 You know that feeling when you book the perfect trip, and everything is planned out? You’ve got your flights booked, your hotels picked. It’s all set up for a great vacation. But something goes wrong…maybe it was an issue with one of those online travel sites, or maybe it was just human error. Regardless, now ... Read more

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You know that feeling when you book the perfect trip, and everything is planned out? You’ve got your flights booked, your hotels picked. It’s all set up for a great vacation. But something goes wrong…maybe it was an issue with one of those online travel sites, or maybe it was just human error. Regardless, now you’re stuck dealing with canceling services and scrambling to get new reservations in place before time runs out! 

The best thing you can do in this situation is to stay calm and use a travel agency. They will be able to help you get the most out of any travel mishaps that take place. In addition, they have relationships with other similar companies so they can help your trip stay as planned as possible. This online booking system uses several different services to give you the best rates on hotels and flights. They also have a great relationship with local travel agencies, so there’s no better place to go than this site when booking that next trip!

What is an online booking system and how does it work?

Simply put, an automated online booking system is a computerized way of handling reservations for many people at once.  It essentially handles all functions for users (logging in, checking availability, booking the reservation, etc.). Furthermore, the system is entirely automated, which means that once you sign up for an account, it will handle everything you need to do without any intervention from you.  

How can online booking systems help your business?

If you’re not sure how online booking systems can be of use to your business, then you’re not alone. However, it’s worth noting several benefits of using this type of system to handle your reservations.  First and foremost, you’ll save money by cutting out the need for an employee whose sole responsibility is booking rooms or seats for customers.

What types of online booking systems exist?

There are many different types of booking systems. Of course, each one is unique in its way, but there are still several commonalities between them all.

There are three main types of online booking systems. They are:

  • Cloud-Base: This kind of system allows the user to access it through a web browser, which means that they don’t need to download anything. 
  • Downloadable: This type of system requires the user to download it onto their computer–it can’t be accessed unless it’s running on that device.
  • Mobile-Enabled: These systems are specifically designed for use on mobile devices like tablets or smartphones. They’re not as commonly used as the other two types, but they allow for a level of convenience and accessibility that simply isn’t available otherwise.

How do online booking systems benefit businesses?

While we’ve already covered all of the benefits to users, let’s take a closer look at how booking systems can benefit businesses in particular.  First and foremost, it saves money. Paying an employee to handle online reservations is expensive, and this reduces that cost significantly.

The Future of Online Booking Systems

You might be surprised to know that the future of online booking systems will be expansive – it could change the way we book travel and other services in the future.  This may sound like a bold claim, but it’s quite possible.  Soon enough, you’ll be able to use one system to book multiple reservations at once!

What are the main features of an online booking system?

There are many different features that an online system can have. Some are basic and essential, while others are nice extras that may not be necessary. Regardless, below are the main features of an online booking system.

  • User Administration: A good system will allow administrators to create new users and manage information for existing users.  This kind of administrative power is often overlooked but it’s astoundingly valuable to owners or managers who want full control over their user base.
  • Availability Checker: This is a system that allows users to search for availability.  It makes the entire process of booking tickets or reservations much more convenient, as it eliminates the need to contact customer service or explain away why you’re calling them.
  • Reporting Tools: Reporting tools are an excellent way of keeping tabs on your user base and what they’re doing.  The types of information that can be tracked vary depending on the system you use, but it can include things like popular times or which reservations are often canceled.
  • Payment Tracking: This is an essential feature of any online booking system. It ensures that you understand how much each user spends and pays for your service or product.  You’ll also be able to track payment information, which can be helpful in case you need to follow up on payments that haven’t been made.

Is an online booking system worth the investment?

The simple answer is yes – it’s worth every penny. However, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t consider your options before making a purchase. There are plenty of systems out there, and they all vary in terms of features and pricing. Some cost less than $30 a month, while others reach into the thousands. If you’re unsure about an investment like this, it’s always best to spend some time learning more about your options and how they work before making a final decision.

The benefits of using an online booking system for your hotel, restaurant, or other business

  1. This type of system requires the user to download it onto their computer–it can’t be accessed unless it’s running on that device.
  2. These systems are specifically designed for use on mobile devices like tablets or smartphones. They’re not as commonly used as the other two types, but they allow for a level of convenience and accessibility that simply isn’t available otherwise.
  3. These systems are typically run through websites. While they’re typically more expensive than the other two types, you do have access to a variety of resources that can help your business grow and succeed.

Why should I use a third-party provider to build my own website instead of doing it myself?

  • Cheaper than building a website from scratch.
  • More resources and features are available than if you build it yourself.
  • Faster to launch and easy to customize.
  • Full access to customer service, hosting, and more.
  • Have expert website creators do all the work for you!
  • A third party will typically provide support (If something goes wrong with your website or someone steals the content, you can count on them to be there for support).
  • Access to experts who know how to handle your marketing and SEO efforts.
  • More control over exactly what features you get and when they launch (vs building it yourself).
  • Start generating income sooner. Your site will already be monetized by default.

How can I make sure that the Online Booking System will be compatible with all devices and apps I’m already using

If you already have some devices or apps that your users use to interact with your business on mobile, it’s essential to be sure that the online booking system will work on all of these devices. This is also true if you’re planning on providing offline information for use on mobile devices. Most systems are specifically designed to run alongside your existing user database, so be sure to check on compatibility before you commit.

Booking systems are widely used, but it can still be hard to pick the one that’s right for your business. Luckily, you have plenty of great options to choose from.

Rentrax is an online booking system (Rental software) designed for any type of service business to use. With this system, your customers can book appointments 24/7.

  • It has an easy-to-use availability calendar.
  • It’s integrated with a built-in asset-tracking system.
  • It has an online booking order form that allows you to take online orders 24/7. This is one of the most user-friendly online order forms out there.
  • It offers a very flexible price management system. You can set up all sorts of pricing based on the product type, season, and special events.
  • The product catalog allows customers to choose their product through a very user-friendly interface.
  • Rentrax allows you to sell products in your rental store as well
  • You can set some products as borrowed items.
  • Best of all, they have very good customer service.

This system allows you to manage your availability, create quotes, work with customers, and accept any form of payment.

  • It’s the only tool you’ll need for retail booking in real-time. No more pen and paper or Excel!
  • With, users can book an appointment in 3 clicks.
  • It has a calendar that you can sync with your Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook to make things even easier for you and your staff.
  • This system is compatible with all devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

  • This is a multilingual online booking system that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
  • It offers thousands of payment methods and allows you to collect money from customers before they even book their appointments.

With you can take advantage of their wide variety of features, including setting up availability calendars, tracking customers and their interactions with your business, giving them discounts to encourage return customers, and more.

  • Appointy is a simple and affordable online booking system that offers real-time management of appointments on your website.
  • Users can quickly check prices, make requests, and even choose the type of hairstyle they want.


Making use of an booking system is a great way to simplify making appointments with customers. It will also help you bring in more customers by adding new acquisition channels, like mobile apps and websites.

I recommend that you consider your options before simply deciding what system will work best for your business. Depending on what kind of business you are running, you might find one system more flexible than another.

Also, be sure to set up your online booking system before you open for business if possible. This way, everything will be ready and working smoothly the first day of service.

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How Online Booking Systems Reduce Operating Expenses for Bike, Ski, Scooter, and Golf Cart Rental Companies Mon, 25 May 2020 21:43:41 +0000 Rentrax in particular has specialized in maximum cost reduction for rental businesses with our advanced SKU-based inventory management system.

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Rentrax in particular has specialized in maximum cost reduction for rental businesses with our advanced SKU-based inventory management system. We allow operators to manage their inventory ski-by-ski or bike-by-bike, while abstracting these details away from your customers, a rare feature in the competitive booking software industry.

Wage Costs and Administrative Overhead

A competent implementation of an online booking system like Rentrax is likely to reduce the Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (SGA) line on your income statement by 30% over 12 months. It usually takes one season with the new system to analyze and adapt to the new way of doing business.

Let’s analyze how this is possible. I’m going to need to invent a hypothetical business here and make some assumptions, but I’ll show you how you can fill in the blank with your own information by replacing the number highlighted in yellow with your own.

A Snapshot of a Rental Business, Pre-Implementation

Let’s say we have a medium-sized scooter company in Florida taking bookings on paper right now. This business:

  • Takes 4,000 bookings per year in one location.
  • The average time it takes to process a booking is 30 minutes (the industry average is between 20 and 45 minutes).
  • The average value of their bookings is $150. They have 16 part time staff primarily focused on taking and processing bookings.
  • The minimum wage in Florida is $8.46/hour (which increased this year, like many states and provinces).
  • The part-time staff all work 25 hours per week for 5 months.

To make this match your business, replace the numbers highlighted in yellow with your own numbers. It might be hard to quickly find these exact numbers easily without an electronic booking system, but you know your business well enough to make accurate estimates. 

This company’s pre-tax revenue is about $600,000 (4,000 * $150) before taxes. The SGA expense line for this business is $67,680 (16 staff * 25 hours * 4 weeks * 5 months * $8.46).

The Effects of Implementing an Online Booking System

The industry average for the number of bookings taken by an online booking system is between 20% and 40% of all bookings. For this business, let’s go with 30%. This means that 30% of all bookings are fully automated – they cost almost no administrative overhead. The booking system automates:

  • Entering personal information.
  • Recording the time of the booking.
  • Managing your rental inventory to make overbooking impossible.
  • Collecting the customer’s signed rental agreement.
  • Collecting the renter’s height, weight, or other attributes that are required for sizing.
  • Calculating the DIN for skis based on these attributes.
  • Capturing and storing the customer’s credit card information securely.
  • Calculating price and tax based on time.
  • Sending email and SMS communications related to receipts, directions, and asking for reviews.
  • Holding a damage deposit amount on the customer’s credit card without having to charge and refund a large amount.

Something you may have noticed when you’re on the phone or on email taking bookings is that some people (probably about a third) know what they want. They’ve already read reviews, have decided to book with you, and already have their activities planned. These are the people that actually don’t want to call you and state their personal details over the phone so one of your staff can slowly write the details into a stationary black book.

The other two thirds, the folks that need some help choosing their bike or skis, or want to chat with a local operator about planning their day or their trip, will still call you. Implementing an online booking system still allows the people who want or need to call you to book to do so. It means that the customers who don’t want to call you in the first place will not have to anymore.

A New Snapshot of the Same Rental Business, Two Years Later

The business now:

  • Takes 4,500 bookings per year in one location.
  • The average time it takes to process a booking is 15 minutes (the industry average is between 20 and 45 minutes without a booking system).
  • The average value of their bookings is $150.
  • They have 9 part time staff primarily focused on taking and processing bookings.
  • The minimum wage in Florida is $8.46/hour (which increased this year, like many states and provinces).
  • The part-time staff all work 25 hours per week for 5 months.

The numbers that changed are the number of bookings, the number of staff, and the time to process a booking. Let’s see why.

Why the Number of Staff went Down

One in three customers walk into the store, state their name, and the staff hands their equipment and marks the equipment as being rented. When the customer comes back, the staff marks the equipment as returned. That is the full extent of administrative overhead for ⅓ of your bookings in the new reality.

For the other ⅔ of bookings, the processing time is still significantly reduced. Email followup for receipts, most calculations, the rental agreement, and inventory management are still automated, so processing time still drops by half.

Within two seasons you will be able to adjust your part time staff count down by about a third. The beautiful thing about the seasonal rental industry is that you don’t need to fire anybody, you just hire less seasonal staff next year.

Why Bookings went Up

You saved $21,150 (5 staff * $8.46 * 25 hours * 4 weeks * 5 months). With an online booking system, you can easily see which assets are the most popular and tend to book out the fastest in the peak season. With the money you saved on administrative overhead, you can invest in more assets like scooters, bikes and skis, to be able to maximize your revenue in the narrow windows like July 4th weekend. 

The new snapshot of the business is a pre-tax revenue of $675,000 and $46,530 on SGA.


Rentrax costs a few thousand dollars per year and takes about 30 hours spread over three weeks to implement, with one-on-one live support helping you every step of the way. A medium sized rental business currently operating on paper will see an upside of tens of thousands of dollars, resulting in an ROI of several thousand percent.

If you’d like to conduct an analysis like this one specifically for your business call us at 1 800 248 1370 or send us an email at We will provide a tailored proof of concept for your business using your pricing and inventory as a test so you can transform your business with confidence in your digital partner.

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How to Choose a Booking Software for Small Business Mon, 03 Feb 2020 17:40:03 +0000 Are you operating a small business and need a booking software? Well, Rentrax is here to provide you with a reliable software which your customer can use to make bookings.

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Booking software is crucial for any business that needs to manage its equipment or space. The system will allow you to organize your bookings, inventory, and customer information in one place. However, selecting the right booking software for your business can be difficult—especially if it’s a small operation without many employees. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of five different options so you can find the best fit!

Remember, only poorly equipped rental businesses often do not use rental software in the rapidly changing business world.

If you find yourself in this situation, you must know what makes good booking software for small businesses and where to get it before your competition does!

Why is booking software important for small businesses?

Because it allows you to save time by making the entire process paperless, it also makes it easier for you to manage your various rentals, hire staff, and stay organized. You will be able to use real-time data, which will allow you to identify problems before they escalate. In addition, your employees can efficiently work from a single, centralized booking system.

What are the benefits of using booking software for small businesses?

Booking software offers several advantages for any size of rental business. Whether you have only a few equipment items or manage hundreds, good software can help your operation run more smoothly and efficiently. You’ll get real-time data that will allow you to identify problems before they escalate, save time by making the entire process paperless, and manage your inventory more effectively.

Also, the right software will free up staff time devoted to other areas of your business. You’ll be able to increase sales by sending marketing messages directly to customers to encourage them to book in advance. With a centralized system for all bookings, it’s easier for staff members to cooperate and work together.

How to choose the right booking software for your business?

We recommend you start by finding a software vendor to offer a demonstration. Then, take advantage of all the free trials and test the various capabilities before making a final choice. In addition to technical matters, make sure it meets your budget requirements and those of your employees. Compatibility with other systems is another important consideration—your team must access the booking software from any device.

The best way to find a system right for you is by talking with your peers and other industry experts. Consider who in your network has been using a particular product and what they say about it. This will give you valuable insight into their overall experience, good and bad.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, take some time to familiarize yourself with the system. Then, try using it for tasks that are part of your business to understand better what it’s like to work with it daily.

Most people think that they cannot afford to buy, but the truth is that multiple solutions work well for small businesses.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a good booking software for small businesses:

1. Consider your needs and situation

Do you have simple requirements, or are your needs more complicated? Small businesses that need to manage just a few rental items can get by with basic features. However, if you have to track inventory, employees, and bookings, you’ll need something more robust.

  • What kind of business model do you have? You probably have few assets to rent if you’re just starting out. However, as your business grows and your inventory expands, the software will help you manage it more efficiently.
  • What kind of equipment do you provide? You might need to offer tools or heavy machinery that requires different features than what’s needed for smaller items like power tools or hand trucks.
  • What does your industry require? Different businesses need to work with software that has varying capabilities. For example, a construction company or a hauling service needs a system that can handle job sites and vehicle equipment.
  • Will you be working with customers directly? Customer-facing software makes it easy for you to generate quotes and send invoices. Customer service tools can help you manage complaints and returns while tracking reviews.
  • Is your business seasonal? If you have very low or no bookings during part of the year, then you might need a system with options for on-demand booking. This way, staff members can handle walk-in customers even if they aren’t receiving many scheduled bookings.
  • Do you use a CRM? You should be able to integrate your CRM with your booking software to access all your information in one system, simplifying things for employees and improving data accuracy.

2. Determine the features of booking software that will work best for you

You should be able to find solutions that can handle all of your requirements. Select one that offers the most features, like tools for customer relations and other capabilities like online payments, invoicing, inventory management, reporting, and more.

You might not think you need features like email marketing or website integration. However, these can come in handy down the road, so it’s best to pick a system that meets your needs now and offers room for growth.

You shouldn’t pay extra for features you won’t use. When comparing options, ensure you’re not paying more than necessary for features that aren’t important to your business or already part of another package.

  1. Automatic online payment processing. This simplifies your bookkeeping and allows you to manage the reservation process online, anywhere, and any time of day or night (including weekends). This will allow you to reduce operating costs because you can centralize all your bookings.
  2. Flexibility. Check if the software can be customized to fit with your administrative processes and your industry in general (for example, menus and quotations). If these features are available, they will facilitate work for you and allow you to respond quickly to changes in your market.
  3. Invoicing. You must easily generate invoices for your customers with relevant information, including the number of hours/days reserved and the rental fees paid. This data will allow you to manage taxes efficiently at year-end since it complies with current legislation in Quebec (and elsewhere).
  4. Ease of use. The software should not be overly complicated to use well. You’ll have no choice but to spend time learning how the system works, so look for one that is easy to master.
  5. Compatibility with your current hardware/software environment. For example, if you are accustomed to using Microsoft Office at work, you will want a compatible program.
  6. Mobile access. To meet the needs of your clientele, efficiency, and mobility are very important. Connecting your mobile phone or tablet to your booking software for small businesses lets you handle reservations on the go and in real-time, wherever you are.
  7. Integrate with other programs and apps. The solution you choose should work well as part of your daily workflow, so check if it can integrate easily with any existing equipment management software.

3. Get more for your money

You’ll also want to ensure you don’t spend more than necessary on software. Shop around to find the best deals, and ask potential vendors about upgrade packages or renewal rates to get a better idea of your total cost over time.

Ensure the system integrates with tools like your CRM, telephone system, and credit card processor.

And finally, take advantage of free trials so you can test the software before you decide; this will give you time to see if it’s easy to use and figure out how much training your employees need.

4. Evaluate what you need to do with your customers’ data

You’ll need to choose a service that will offer you the level of control and security you require for your business. Determine what personal information you can access and any tools or services you might use to handle sensitive data like credit card numbers.

One way to protect your customers is by using GDPR-compliant booking software.

You should also be able to update your customer information in real-time; this makes it easier to give accurate quotes and set up recurring bookings.

Finally, ensure the system lets you set up access levels to share data with employees and other authorized individuals, such as subcontractors.

5. Don’t forget security and backup

Ensure you can be confident in the level of security an online booking system has for your system and your customer information. Many services use industry-standard techniques like SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and offline data storage. This will help keep your customer information secure and ensure you can always access your data if something goes wrong with the system.

Direct server backups are another essential feature to look for; this means that your software will save copies of everything on your system to a different location if something happens to one or the other.

Most of these services let you set up your backup routine, so you can do it more frequently if needed and keep everything secure and accessible wherever you go.

6. Choose a booking software that is compatible with your computer system

Find a system that fits your current computer setup and lets you quickly access, edit and move data from one place to another.

You’ll need to look for compatibility with Macs, PCs, and mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. If your employees use different kinds of computers at various locations, ensure the software runs on all of them and can be accessed anywhere.

You’ll also need to check if the system will work with whatever browsers and operating systems you use; some services might not work well with very old or outdated browsers, so try signing up for a trial version that way.

7. Find out how much it costs to use the software for one year or find out if there are any discounts available 

As with most services, booking software comes in different price ranges. Some are free, while others offer monthly subscriptions, one-time fees, or implementation costs.

When looking at pricing information, ensure you can find the total yearly cost for everything they offer – including any extra features that might be available as part of a premium package.

If any discounts are available, find out when they expire and how much you can save. You may also want to ask about renewal costs just in case expired coupons or other special offers are returned in the future.

8. Make sure to read reviews before making a purchase decision

Customer reviews will give you a good idea of how the software handles any issues during use. As with all services, not everyone will have a perfect experience, so it’s essential to find out what types of problems they encountered and how they resolved them.

Reading through feedback from others who have used the product will help you decide whether or not to purchase it based on your expectations and requirements.

9. Try the software before purchasing

Try signing up for a free trial of the software yourself to see if you like it before making any final decisions. This will also allow you to use all its features and get used to how everything is set up before taking the plunge.

10. Training matters

Finally, don’t forget to ask about training options. If you’re switching from another system, chances are your employees will need some help getting used to it – especially if they already know the old one inside and out.

Ensure the vendor offers free webinars, tutorials, and other training resources that can be accessed on demand.

11. Compare all of your options before making a final decision

After you’ve looked at all the points above, it’s time to compare all available booking software solutions to determine if there are any differences in the packages and features they offer.

Read through all of the information you compiled and compare it to what each offers, then choose the best option for your company that meets your requirements and needs.

To determine which software suits your business best, choose “Choosing Your Rental Software – finding the right service provider.”

Final Words

Booking software can help run any kind of rental business, like car rentals, furniture rentals, medical equipment rentals, and many more. It streamlines the business process by managing customer data, collecting deposits, creating invoices, calculating taxes, and providing reports to help make better decisions.

We’ve provided tips on choosing the right booking software for your equipment rental business. If you are still unsure, don’t worry! Join our Facebook group and be in the thick of constant ideas and inspiration from other industry professionals who have been down this road before you. There is no better way than investing a little time now so that you can reap all of the benefits later when it comes to running an efficient equipment rental company and getting more customers booked with ease.

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MUST HAVE FEATURES FOR A BOOKING SOFTWARE Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:00:36 +0000 Depending on the nature of your rental company, you will need to install online booking software to improve the booking experience.


Depending on the nature of your rental company, you will need to install online booking software to improve the booking experience. There are critical features for a booking software that should be featured for the software to meets the demand of the rental companies when it comes to booking experiences. Most of the companies have been operating on a paper-based system where the customer makes numerous calls or visits the company to make a booking, which is a lengthy process.

However, with online booking software, it would enhance the booking and improve the customer’s experience, thus guarantee excellent customer satisfaction. In addition to that, it’s important to note many software provider companies offer software for the companies. Therefore, the company would need to conduct due diligence before they would consider the best in the company. Here are the key features of booking software.

Support Different Currencies And Language

As a rental company, you will be targeting different people across the globe to make the booking; hence, you need to introduce software that could be accessed with a different language. For instance, the software should be adopting English as default language and also supports some other language such as French and Germany.

On the other hand, different currencies are used while making a payment, and the software should accept various currencies. For instance, the software should accept dollars, euros, among other currencies.  This feature would improve the customer’s experience.

Payment Integration

Booking software should be integrated to support multiple online payment methods, which include PayPal, among others. For instance, with PayPal, its a much secure way of paying for an item online rather than sharing your credit card details online. Also, the customers would likely accept PayPal as the default method of payment due to its reputation in the market. Ensure this feature is available before you would settle on the online booking software.

Text Message Support

When you are looking for the booking software, you should look for software that supports the use of the telephone to enhance excellent customer support. For instance, when the customers make the booking, they should receive a confirmation call from the company. At times the customers may experience challenges while on the software, and he can use the customer’s support contact and get assistance. Help database is significant when it comes to online booking and would ensure the customers gets the best experience ever while on the site.

Booking Via Tablets And Smartphone

A booking software should be accessible through smartphones and tablets by the customers. In the past, the software could only be accessed through a laptop or a computer, but with the development of technology, the booking should be made through phones. For instance, the software should be run on the cloud where the customer can access it anytime through their phone as long as you get connected with the internet.  In this case, it would increase the bookings which are made by the customers.

Security Features Of The Software

Security is a key consideration which the company should make while choosing the best software to use. Every customer would be interested to know how safe their details are online, and this would increase the booking rate. Even if the systems have all the other features in place and do not guarantee the security of the customer details, it would be hard for the customer to trust the software. Ensure all the data which are provided by the customers on the software are secured and cannot be accessible by third- party.

Easy To Use

The booking process should be relatively easy for customers to make their bookings. For instance, the steps which are followed to book for equipment successfully should be reduced to save time consumed. If the process is lengthy, there is an excellent chance that the customers may withdraw a consider another company with a simpler process. In addition to that, the software should be user- friendly to allow the customers to navigates on the site without any challenges. Loading time should be reduced, and this would reduce the time to make a single booking by the customers.

Offline Booking

Booking software should come with different options where you can make the booking while online and also when you are offline. In this case, it would be possible for the customers to make bookings even when they are not connected with WI-FI connection. It should be possible for one to access the software without necessarily having an internet connection, and this would be the most significant innovation which the business would introduce to the customers.

Review System

Every customer who visits the software online would be much interested to see the reviews of the other guest who have made a booking before. The software should have an option where a customer can add experience after using the software, and it would get accessed by other customers who visit the website. If you have good reviews, it will increase the chances for the customers to make bookings as compared to when you have negatives ratings. It’s a great benefit if the software has the review system since it boosts the booking rates.

Google Maps Integration

Booking software should have Google maps, which would indicate where the company is for the customer to locate it without many challenges. When the customer search for the company, the Google maps should be able to redirect the customer to the actual location on the Google map. For instance, with a pinpoint on the website, it makes the directions simpler. In addition to that, if there is a Google map and pinpoint on the software, it would increase the SEO of the business, which is very important.

To Sum Up

With the above must-have features for a booking software, it would ensure the business gets the best software, which would increase the customer experience on the site. In addition to that, the business needs to ensure they have trained all their staff on how to use the software, and this would increase customer satisfaction, thus promote customer retention rate.


KEY FEATURES OF A GOOD TOUR BOOKING SOFTWARE Wed, 29 Jan 2020 16:00:11 +0000 If you are operating a tour and travel website, then you need to take into consideration the following key features of a good tour booking software.


We are living in the 21st century, where operations have been digitalized, and everything is being done online. If you are operating a tour and travel website, then you need to take into consideration the following key features of a good tour booking software.  Your tour company will be offering the customers who book for the services optimal experience, which guarantees customer satisfaction.

However, having good booking software on your website would require you to add some key features which would give your guests the best services. Managing your operation under one software is not relatively easy and would need you to employ the latest technology. In this article, we shall pay much attention to these features, which are very crucial for tour booking software. The features include:

Supported In Phones And Tablets

An excellent tour booking software should be accessible on a smartphone to allow easy booking. Most of the software is only accessible through computers, which makes it hard for the guest to access the services without a computer. We are in 2019, and everybody has a smartphone, and it would be efficient if the software could be available on the smartphone. Recent research indicates that mobile reservation is on a high trend as compared to the computer reservation.

It Should Be Simple To Use

An excellent tour booking software should be simple to use to ensure that the customer spends the shortest time possible to make the reservation. For instance, you should not spend more than fifteen minutes while on the website making the reservation. You should reduce the number of steps which are taken for you to make the reservation. In the past, the software which was adopted by the tour company was tedious, which could increase the time which gets consumed while making the reservation.

Pricing Flexibility

Price is the most significant consideration that customers would consider anytime they want to go for holidays. An excellent tour booking software should be flexible so that the prices should be adjusted with time. For instance, the system should include a discount and also committed to increasing customer satisfaction.

The demand for booking changes with time and the system should be more flexible. For instance, there are different packages which the tour company will provide to their customers, and the software should adjust the pricing appropriately. Pricing is an essential aspect that many guests will always consider when they visit the tour company website.

Integrated Social Element

Today there is an excellent power behind the social media platforms, and they would help the business connect well the various customers in the market. For instance, the company can use the software and reach out to too many people. The software should be able to integrate all the social media apps which would promote the connection in the market. All the social elements would ensure there is customer satisfaction through the optimal experience which the business gives to its customers.

Your customers would be able to review you on the website and also on the social media platforms, which would increase the retention rate in the market. In addition to that, you can be able to get customers to feedback through the platform, thus improves service delivery.

Language And Currency Feature

Your guest comes from all parts of the globe, and thus, there is a need to use language, which is generally understandable by many people. For instance, you can make good use of English since its generally accepted by many across the globe. In addition to that, the software should have a specialized facility that would accommodate the Spanish, French, and also Germany.

In addition to that, the software should also accept and support different currencies to ensure that your customers pay for the reservation without challenges. However, the software should have the default currency, which could be a dollar.

Content Management System

Tour booking software should have the ability to update the OTA website during the holidays for the customer to access the software. In addition to that, the software should include images and videos so that the customers could access the packages.

The content management system is more important because it will help modify and add specific images that would increase customer satisfaction. In addition to that, the tour agency software feature should help you in managing all the inventory and other assets on the system.

Software Should Have Live Inventory

Tour booking software should support the live inventory feature, which would enhance the booking of the available equipment. In the past, there have been challenges that are experienced when it comes to a booking where the guest usually overbooks the available equipment.

It’s a critical feature that every software should have to enhance the booking system and reduce the likely problems which get experienced by the guests while making the reservation. Tour companies incur a cost when they have to return the money, which was overbooked.

It Should Include Customer Review Option

Customer reviews are critical because it helps influence the decision of other potential guests online. Research indicates more than 90% of the customer who visits a website or site for the first time will look onto the reviews to decide to proceed to order or make a reservation.

The booking software should have the option for the customers to add their reviews and the experience they have with the tour company.  Every business should strive to give the customer excellent services to ensure they give business referrals.

Improved Security Features

Security of your details online is usually a concern to many customers who usually opt to make the reservation manually. The booking system should secure your details, and this would help the business get more reservations. It would require the software to have the payment Card Industry compliant which would improve the reliance by many customers in the market.

To sum up

Identifying the key features of a good tour booking software will help the business to develop a website that enhances the excellent customer experience. These features have significant benefits for both the business and also the clients since they improve customer satisfaction.


HOW DOES AN ONLINE BOOKING SOFTWARE WORK? Mon, 28 Oct 2019 15:00:10 +0000 The rise in the use of the internet had drastically changed how people do businesses and deal with customers especially in the twenty-first century.

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The rise in the use of the internet had drastically changed how people do businesses and deal with customers especially in the twenty-first century. Many things are done online as compared to the past where most of the things were done manually and in person. Technology has an impact on this rapid change, as it is the center of all things. Online booking software facilitates online customer or staff reservation. This is to say that the software helps the outside world in connecting with the online world by choosing from the services that they wish to enjoy. Online booking software is compatible with mobile devices and should work on mobile devices anywhere, any time and provide access to booking information to the customers.

Online booking software is a popular tool that is common among businesses such as tour and travel businesses. This is because it has made communication and reservations much easier as compared to the days when one had to make a reservation through call, and when the hotel or travel agency was fully packed, he was informed through a phone call. Many businesses have thrived through using this software because it enables the business to reach its target market and has led to the expansion of other industries. The purpose of online booking software is to simplify the booking procedure automatically and to keep everything in an efficient, effective and smooth flow.

Online booking software works in two major. The first step is where the customer looks for the business that provides the services he or she requires through a website of social media platforms. The customer then accesses a range of services that the company is offering and selects that which he or she is interested in. he then proceeds to book that particular service where he will be taken to a page to fill out the booking form. At this point, the service provides has an advantage as he or she can extract information such as a passport or identification number, name and phone number of the customer and save them in case of an emergency.

The second step in the online booking is where after the customer has filled in his details in the booking form, he then proceeds to pay for the service via a payment gateway of his choice. This transfers payment from the customer to the business owner. After payment has been received, the service is offered to the client. Most of the time, regular clients and new clients have the advantage of receiving discounts whenever the company is offering discounts to its clients. Online booking software has been equipped in such a way that they are able to handle online payment procedures. The software receives information and processes its output using the details that have been provided in the booking form.

In addition to the above, filling the booking form using the online booking software takes a few minutes as compared to manual booking. It is also an advantage to regular clients as their details are stored in the system and detects their details anytime they try to log in and access various services.  Online booking industries such as tours and travel industries keep their customer details, especially the transaction details safe, secure and free from fraudsters. Comfort and trust helps in retaining customers and attracting more customers to the firm. Online booking software has many advantages, some of which include the following;

It is time friendly.

Unlike manual reservation where one’s presence is needed, online booking saves on time and does not require a person to visit the industry. It is a short procedure that requires less than five minutes when in a stable network. This can be done quickly and the procedure cannot affect a person’s everyday schedule.

It is self-service

Online booking has done away with one-on-one booking where people are needed physically. The software has made it able for anyone to access services of choice by himself and fills out his or her details. This has also proved effective as the customer and the service providers have no chance of coming to a disagreement because of wrong detail submission. Everything that is done is entirely upon the client and any corrections made are raised by the client. All the information is at hand and all transactions are secure.

Information friendly

Brochures at times are not in a position to answer all the questions that a customer has in mind and so does the attendants. Online booking software has made information access and communication much easier. In addition to that, an online support is responsible for answering other relevant questions concerning the business at any time of the day and night. Furthermore, the inclusion of an email address helps the customers in doing follow ups and receiving discounts whenever there are any discounts being given. This results to quality customer service and satisfaction.

Modern way of booking

Online booking is much easier and can be done simultaneously, depending on the number of electronic devices that have the application installed. Three people can book the same service at once from different electronic gadgets. This has been made possible by the software, which ensures that the online platform can handle multiple operations at once. The online booking software does not experience technical difficulties at any point because it is working towards minimizing losses and inconveniencing clients.

In conclusion, online booking software has various features, which makes it the most preferred method of business operations. A good booking platform generates income to the company and therefore should be perfect, accessible, reliable and readily available. The platform must, therefore, possess various features, which differentiate it from others. For instance, features such as user friendliness, accessibility to calendars, data management, updates and customer support among others, should be put into consideration when designing online booking software. In addition to that, the platform should be made to operate faster and swiftly to ensure that customers achieve satisfaction and the business also receives profits through customer retention.

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ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM FREE Mon, 07 Oct 2019 16:56:39 +0000 With the growth in the level of technology globally, businesses need to incorporate the new systems and ensure there is the effective management of the businesses.

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Do you know there is a free online booking system that you can install for your business? There are many systems that you can adopt and help increase online sales made by businesses. With the growth in the level of technology globally, businesses need to incorporate the new systems and ensure there is the effective management of the businesses.

Booking an appointment with the business, especially those offering the services, has been a major problem. Therefore, there is a need to have an updated system that ensures all the bookings are managed effectively in the business. In this article, we shall consider the best online booking system that the businesses can adapt and improve the booking level, which is done online.

Square Appointments

It’s considered as the overall best software which is used for the scheduling, payment, and also the SMS for the customers online and thus making it possible for the business owners to manage their business online and also ensure all the customers get satisfied with the booking platform which is provided by the business. Square appointments give you all the key features that are supposed to be included in the scheduling software without hiding anything. Therefore, ensuring there is a high level of transparency between the business people and the customers.

With the system in place, you can set up a web page for the client, which will allow them to access and open all the available slots and proceed to book for the appointment. After successfully booking, you will be notified with an email or an SMS, which will also act as reminders to ensure that you don’t miss the date which you have been slotted for the services. For instance, the appointment will be synced with the Google Calendar, and therefore it will be removed from your booking page and therefore ensure there is a conflict that arises.


Picktime software is cloud based appointment software that can be adopted by the business and increase online sales by giving the clients a platform to make their booking. It is designed to have have appointment reminders through SMS so that petty issues of missed appointments are avoided. The business will increase the revenue generated since there is high access to the number of clients who book for the services. It comes with an online calendar, making it easy for the customers to reschedule or cancel old appointments, books and excel sheets.


Skedda is another booking system that has automated the booking process online to ensure all the online customers can access the services by making the appointment in advance. It is possible for the admins and users to interact without any challenges, thus ensuring that all the bookings are done online. It allows the admins’ tom to determine who will make the bookings through the use of all the available features. For instance, alongside targeting the general public, it’s also possible for the business to target a few customers by sending the invitation offer, which they are customized effectively.

In addition to that, it allows the customers to create accounts and secure them with the passwords, and they will be expected to authenticate themselves when they want to use the services. The admins in the system have full access and control, and this makes it possible for the manager to control all the bookings and ensure all the users can comply with all the set guidelines and the policies.

On the other hand, the users can access the system anywhere and proceed to make their bookings for themselves through the available slots and specify the time when they are available. The system has incorporated the use of online payments, which allows the users to make the payment.

Shedul software

It’s booking software that is the best fit for the salon and spas due to the features incorporated in the systems to ensure that all the customers can access the system and make their booking. It’s simple, flexible, and powerful booking software for the businesses available on the cloud, thus making it more accessible. It has been used successfully by 40,000 businesses and more than 150,000 stylists and therapists for customer booking, which is a good assurance that the software can work effectively.

Online customers can supercharge their appointments by making use of the online platform, which is available, which includes the website and the booking apps. In addition to that, the customers can cancel or reschedule their appointment with the business anytime through the app. It reduces the chance for no-shows by the customers, which is very common with physical applications. The software also allows the business to manage the customers more efficiently, thus ensuring there is optimal delivery, which ensures customer satisfaction. For instance, the hair salons that have been able to introduce the new systems in place have benefited, and they have managed all the bookings that are done online.


The system is the best fit for all the online bookings, which relates to all the industry services, making it very optimal. It’s a cloud-based software that makes it available online, and therefore the customers can access them anywhere at any given time. It allows integration with other websites and makes it possible for businesses to provide a booking platform for all the customers online.

In addition to that, the booking could also be done via Facebook, Instagram, and also Google, which relatively make it simpler for the customers to access the services which are offered by the businesses. The software is designed and customized as the service providers want so that the business is as professional as it should be.

The system is updated with the notification where the clients usually get the reminder notifications through the SMS and the email whenever the appointments have been booked. With the notification on your phone, the customers can access more information through the mobile app. On the other hand, there is also a security guarantee where there is data backup and therefore ensure there is no data loss and also access by the third party.


It’s a cloud-based software that can be used by the customers to make the online booking for the product or the services in a more convenient manner, which enhances the level of the management of the business. It’s a CRM based appointment scheduling software. It is designed for the small business which does not target as many customers as those of the large businesses. Its main focus is to ensure the customers get the best services after making the online booking. It ensures there is a double booking for the same product or the business’s services, which is a common phenomenon with manual bookings.

On the other hand, the software accepts the payment from other payment gateways, which includes PayPal, making it possible for the customers to make the booking and pay for the services. It has other key features, including the track leads, email tracking, calendar integration, and many other key features.


There are great advantages that come with this software, which include being available in the cloud, which makes the software to be accessible by the clients within 24/7 and also improved security features, which make it possible for the business to protect its data against any manipulation by the third- party.

The features that come with the software make it possible for the booking page to be standalone and, therefore, facilitates the clients in accessing all the bookings made by the business. It is relatively easy to make the set-up for the software by ensuring you fill in all the details needed to start accepting the booking.

You can customize the website and incorporate the business logo with all the needed details, allowing the clients to make their reviews once they make their booking. The software is published in the network, which makes the business more accessible to many clients in the market. For instance, with access to Google, Facebook, and other Bling search, it increases business visibility. On the other hand, with the Facebook widget, your clients can make their booking through the business Facebook pages.

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It’s a booking software which is readily available online for the customers to make their booking online. It operates differently as compared to other software due to the features which the software comes with. For instance, with the software, your customers can access and make appointments offline, which makes it possible for more sales to be made.

For instance, the software works more effectively with other desktop applications, which ensures there is good integration with other applications. In addition to that, the software has more access to other lists of business software, including QuickBooks, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM. This ensures there is a provision of the right codes used for the copy and paste to the website. In addition to that, it’s important to note that the software also provides 24/7 customer support, ensuring effective communication with the customers.

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ONLINE BOOKING SOFTWARE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Sun, 06 Oct 2019 16:48:32 +0000 It is very tough to manage the customers, and therefore it’s appropriate for you to have scheduling of the customers who makes the online booking relatively easier.


Do you have a small business that needs to improve the management level to ensure swift booking without more challenges? When dealing with a business that wants to target more online sales, you must ensure that you have adopted online booking software that best suits small businesses. It is very tough to manage the customers, and therefore it’s appropriate for you to have scheduling of the customers, which makes online booking relatively easier.

Optimally for you to operate the business, you need to have booking or rental software that will help you to manage online sales. With appointment scheduling software, it would be possible to manage all the emergency bookings, reschedule even with short notice, and reduce the cost of the operations.

Executing these operations manually will be difficult; therefore, having software in place would ensure all the bookings are made expertly. All is needed for the customers to visit the website the business provides and book the product or the services the business offers. In this review, we shall consider the best appointment scheduling software that the small business can consider:


Appointment software is one of the robust software that can be adopted by small businesses to boost online booking. It comes with different features that are key in managing online sales and ensuring effective customer service. For instance, if the business has multiple locations, it would be possible to solidify all the bookings into one central position, making it possible for the management.

Customers can access the software online, and therefore they can book their appointment online through interaction with the software. The software has been upgraded to handle appointments and bookings from multiple locations and departments, and therefore one software can handle a lot of online applications with a minimal workload. It is important to note that all the applications are secured with SSL encryptions, ensuring safety. It makes it essential to] secure all the customer details from access from the third- party, which increases customer confidence. On the other hand, the software also comes with other key features, including producing reports.

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It’s a booking software that small businesses can use to manage all the bookings done online. It operates differently as compared to other software due to the features which the software comes with. For instance, with the software, your customers can access and make appointments offline; this makes it possible for more sales to be made.

For instance, the software works more effectively with other desktop applications, ensuring functional integration with other applications. In addition to that, the software has more access to other lists of business software, including QuickBooks, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM. This ensures there is the provision of the right codes used for the copy and paste to the website. In addition to that, it’s important to note that the software also provides 24/7 customer support, ensuring effective communication with the customers.

Square appointment

The Square appointment is scheduling software for small businesses, which can be adopted for scheduling and supporting the payment process, making the software more suitable for small businesses. The software best suits individual items and therefore ensures the business adopts perspective technology.

There are vital features integrated with the software, and they ensure all the bookings that are done online are managed effectively. Once the customers have booked online, the software sends texts and email notifications to the customers. This makes communication relatively easier for customers and the business.

Customers can only make their booking online, and therefore this reduces all the paperwork which needs to be undertaken by the business. The business can manage all the bookings done online and fast-track all the employee’s schedules on all the customers who have been booked online. In addition to that, the customers’ details will also be verified, and the history and this would make it possible to follow up with the customers once they have been booked in the system.


It’s a cloud-based software that customers can use to make the online booking for the product or services more conveniently, which enhances the level of business management. It’s a CRM-based appointment scheduling software. It is designed for small businesses, which do not target as many customers as those large businesses. Its primary focus is ensuring customers get the best services after booking online.

It ensures a double booking for the same product or the business’s services, a common phenomenon with manual bookings. On the other hand, the software accepts payment from other payment gateways, which includes PayPal, making it possible for the customers to make the booking and pay for the services. It has other key features, including tracking leads, email tracking, calendar integration, and other vital features.


It’s a professional outline that small businesses can use to make online bookings and inclusive appointments from all parts of the World. It’s available in the cloud, making it possible to be accessible by many customers online. Another key feature of the software is incorporating more payment gateways. This makes the software more accessible to the customers who are expected to make the payment after booking services.

For instance, the services company should consider introducing this software in their business, which could ensure all the customers can book the services online. These service providers include beauty, spas, gyms, and restaurants. The software has been equipped with all the features needed to provide all the solutions and ensure high-level maintenance, which helps reach out to more online customers.

The software comes with all the online tools that ensure custom booking websites or widgets, which allows you to put your website and therefore incorporate all the social media account hurdles on the website. It does not have any limit to the customers who access the services. Therefore, it is possible to access many customers online instead of other software small businesses use. You should download the software and ensure it has been tailored to meet the company’s demand in the market.


Genbook appointment scheduling software works best for small businesses, making it more suitable for all online bookings for small businesses. It allows customers to be able to make their appointments with the use of their mobile devices, desktop, and also laptops. It makes it possible for the business to accept all the online sales within the simplified software, enabling it to thrive more. As a business owner, it is possible to manage your business anywhere if there is a connection to the internet.

Genbook is accessible through Android and also IOS applications. It also has a webpage with Google Maps and business logos, making it relevant for customers to submit their reviews online. On the other hand, the software allows for special promotions, which helps to attract more customers who want to take advantage of the exclusive deals and other available coupons. All the customers who have visited the business will be notified by email or SMS, which will help make an update on the appointment.


It’s a cloud-based appointment schedule software that best fits small businesses, especially those offering services. The software has been updated to ensure a high level of transparency between the business people and the customers, which increases the level of confidence among the customers. As online software, there is a need to ensure trust, which would help promote the relationship, which could ensure good sustainability in the business.

In addition to that, the software has an option where the customers can get notifications for reminders, allowing the customers to either confirm or cancel the rescheduling for the appointments. All the messages that relate to the customers are sent via SMS, Facebook, and other social media hurdles. It also facilitates the chat features, allowing more interactive segments with the customers. On the other hand, it accepts the payments module, which includes Sage and PayPal, which are essential for the business.


WHY YOU SHOULD START USING AN ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM TODAY Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:00:39 +0000 There are great benefits that come from the online system software, and businesses should make good use of it.


You should start using an online booking system today in your business and increase business visibility in the market. There are great benefits that come from online system software, and businesses should make good use of it. We live in a World where digitalization of work is the current trend, and as a business owner, you cannot ignore the booking system. In addition to that, you also need to improve the level of efficiency in the business, and this would be made possible by the online booking software. In this article, we shall answer the question to why you need the online system in your business:

It’s The Current Trend In Business

Currently, every company which operates rental equipment needs a booking system to enhance the level of the operation. Many companies have shifted their operations in the system and therefore setting the pace for other businesses. If you want your business to remain competitive in the market, then you need to start using an online booking system. You should not let your business lose customers to your competitor due to a lack of the system.

It Increases The Booking

If you want to increase the booking, then you need to start using an online booking system. The system would accept booking 24/7, a great advantage to business growth. Your customers need to have access to the internet and have a smartphone or laptop, and they will make the booking, unlike when the company does not have a system.

It Enhances Good Customer Satisfaction

With the use of the online booking system, it would ensure the customers get quality and efficient services, which would enhance customer satisfaction. For instance, the customer can access the software from any location and make a reservation, creating satisfaction. In addition, the booking system will also ensure the customers get quick feedback while on the system, which is an excellent advantage to the business.

It Will Boosts Your Revenues

The prime purpose of the business is to make money, and the new online booking software, it would stimulate the revenues generated. There will be an increased number of booking in the business, and this would translate to the business making a lot of profits in the long run. In the past, when the business would be depending on the paperwork only, it would discourage many customers and thus reduce the booking rate. It’s time to boost the revenues which are generated by your business today by making use of this new booking system.

It Would Enhance Business Efficiency

The growth of the business depends on the level of efficiency which the business has put in place. When you start using an online booking system in your business, you will reduce the paperwork in the business, and this will promote the operations of the business. It’s in the interest of the business to introduce a system that takes care of the business need and promotes business operations. It’s time you improve your business today, and you will promote your business above your competitors.

It Enhances The Payment For Equipment

Once you incorporate online booking software into the business, it would enhance the payment in the business. You will be able to integrate the payment system into the business, and the customers will have to access the available online payment methods, which they can use while making the reservation in the business. The online booking system will support different payment methods, such as PayPal, which the clients can use.

Once the customer book a bike or equipment, he will be required to pay some amount for the reservation, which will be an advantage to the business. In the event that the customer makes the reservation of the equipment and does not show up, the company will only compensate for a particular percentage of the amount paid, which is an income.

It Will Reduce The Administration Cost

You need to start using an online booking system in your business, and it would reduce the administration cost. Business spends a lot of money to enhance swift operations, which would be reduced with the introduction of the software. For instance, the business would reduce the number of personnel operating in the company once you start using the software.

If the cost of the administration is high, it will reduce the profit generated by the business in the long- run. It’s time to cut the cost and reassign such staff to another department in the company, which would enhance the growth of the business.

It Will Enhance The Management Of Equipment

Managing the equipment in the business is very hard, but with the system in place, it would make the work easier for the manager. For instance, the business has a lot of equipment hired at different times, and it gets hard to track the equipment. However, with the new system in place, the manager will have an update on the booked equipment and the available equipment in the business.

It Makes Work Relatively Easier

If you make the employee’s work relatively easier, you will make them happy, which would translate to the customer being happy. Your employees will treat the customer with the best services, and this would increase business referral and customer retention. Introduce the online booking system today, and you will change the business culture in the company.


Whether in the furniture rental business or operating a camera rental shop, you should start using online booking software today to increase the booking, which would translate to higher revenue generated. You need to take your business to the next level and enhance the level of efficiency by promoting the use of an online booking system.

Customer satisfaction in the business is very important since it enhances customer retention. Consequently, the management of the equipment would be relatively easier; therefore, you have no reason rather than establish the booking software.


ADVANTAGES OF AN ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM OVER PHONE BOOKING Mon, 09 Sep 2019 15:00:59 +0000 Every tenant desires to get fast and accurate services anytime they engage the rental software industry.


Have you tried online booking yet? Well, it is simply the best booking system which you can use to seek any rental services which you need. There are other booking systems such as the use of phone, but they have shortcomings which have been addressed by the online system. The advantages of online booking over phone booking have led to an increased number of booking in hotels. In the past, I have heard from a couple of friends share their experiences with the two booking systems, and it was clear that online booking has more significant benefits even from the customers’ point of view.

Every tenant desires to get fast and accurate services anytime they engage the rental software industry. The online system comes with a series of updated services that are unique as compared to the phone booking system. In this article, we shall dwell in-depth the main merits behind the online booking system as compared to the ordinary phone booking. Such advantages include the following:

  • It’s Available On Customer Disposal

The online booking system is available to the customers anytime they need the services, which makes the reservations possible. It gives the potential visitors the freedom to book any room at any time of their wish, unlike other booking systems like a phone.

It’s an added advantage to the landlords because it helps increase the number of visitors due to the increased number of working hours. Visitors admire a booking system that is available and fast to reduce the time consumed while booking for a room.

  • It Increases Revenue Generated

The online booking system boosts the revenue, which gets generated in the long run due to an increased number of booking hours. The company will only need to design and publish all their packages, which will be accessible to visitors.

Since customers have access to the packages, they will make a reservation, which increases the sales at the end of the day. The hotels are in operation to make profits, and the systems would ensure the company can break-even point in profits scale.

  • Reduces Workload

With the online booking system, it would help the management reduces the workload on its employees.  Due to reduced workload, it would increase customer services, which will boost growth.  Staff will only need to keep an updated list of the reserved rooms, unlike when using the phone booking, where you will need more staff to receives the calls. Advantages of online booking over phone booking ensure workers and other staff enjoy their work.

Most of the hotels suffer from a growing wage bill due to the high number of staff while using the phone booking system. However, these staff would get deployed in improving the customers’ services in the rooms.

  • Reduces No –Shows In The Reservation

The biggest challenge in the rental industry is no- show, but with the online booking, this will get reduced drastically. For instance, there will be reduced prospective guests in the booking system. In the scenario where a visitor book for a room, and he does not show up, the system will detect that automatically and will declare the room vacant. It helps to reduce the time which is taken for the staff to realizes a room is vacant and reserve it for another guest.

  • Payment Is Efficient And Easier

While using the online booking system, it makes it simpler for the visitor to reserve and pay for the room efficiently. For instance, you can have a policy where all the guest pays for the rooms while booking, which make the system efficient.

It will increase your revenue and reduce the fear of when the income will be received. In addition to that, if the guest does not show up, you can keep some amount as compensation. It’s a great advantage as compared to the phone booking systems where the guests will prefer to pay on arrival.

  • It Increases Business Exposure

If the business is using an online booking system, it will increase business exposure to the market. For instance, when the guest visits the official company website, they will be able to access all the information relating to the hotel, which is very crucial.

There are many competitors in the market, and if the business is using online booking, it would be at an added advantage. A business using this system should make good use of the platform and share it with the visitors’ vital information, which would make the guest visits the business more.

  • It’s The Current Booking Systems

The phone booking system has been outdated by the online booking system. We are living in a world of growing technology, and everyone is using the internet, thus making an online booking to be the best. In the past, customers could find a business through the phone book, but currently, the customers need the e-catalogue for the business.

With WI-FI connection, you can be able to access all the information which you need about the company, which includes the reservation of the rooms.  Telephone booking is slowly dying and getting replaced with the superfast online booking systems. As a business, there is a need to have all the systems updated to allow guests to access the booking online.

  • Boost Valuable Insights For Business

The online booking system is modified in a way to ensure that the business has useful analytics of the business, thus determine popular buyers. You will have access to all the data, which would help the business to create an excellent customer database.

With the phone booking system, it will be possible to have a reliable database because the data could get erased anytime. Every business has the responsibility to keep updated data for its customers. This data would help the business in promoting the customers’ services.

To Sum Up

The online booking system is the current trend, and there is no single business that has an excuse to fail to update the booking system. It’s efficient, affordable, and boosts the growth of the industry more excellently. However, the businesses need to ensure that the few shortcomings which come with the system have been addressed. For instance, traffic on the site should be reduced to ensure the guests get access to the systems within a short period.

