Why is Weebly the best website builder for small businesses?

Weebly has been ranked as the 5th best website builder by many reviews, so that’s good news. It is easy to understand and operate. It has free plans and many helpful tips for beginners. It also provides an option for creating fully functional websites.

In an online web builder’s world Weebly has been a solid contender for a long time. It offers graphical tools to create attractive websites quickly and easily. In addition, the stunning templates and integrated E-commerce Tools available through Weebly provide excellent site design flexibility, particularly for mobile websites.

What to expect?

Weebly’s web design tool offers over 20 mobile themes. The site contains a blog, gallery, and web store powered by the Square parent business. In addition, there is Weebly Personal, $7 monthly, the cheapest, ads-free plan that allows the use of the branded website.

Weebly is the perfect web-building platform for people who don’t know to code. Its simple drag-and-drop interface makes it easy even if you need to be more skilled with websites! You’ll be able to make your site as customized or professional looking as desired without having any technical knowledge of HTML5 & CSS3. This will save time when designing pages because there won’t be adjustments when someone adds something new to their content management system (CMS).

Is Weebly free?

Yes, Weebly has a free plan that comes with the ability to add third-party embed code. This is perfect for small businesses needing a website without e-commerce features. If you’re looking for more advanced features and customizations, you can upgrade to one of their paid plans which starts at $6 per month. Weebly also offers a free SSL certificate with all free and paid plans, which is important for building trust and credibility with your visitors.

Weebly’s top features:

Weebly themes

Weebly themes are general templates that provide a beautiful backdrop for your website. Weebly doesn’t dictate how you should organize content. Instead, it lets the site owner change fonts and colors to match their branding or add search functionality if needed! You can also hide areas on the Weebly editor by changing its “tabs.” This makes it easy to edit different parts of the website at once without having multiple windows open in tabs (which would take up too much space). To access these customization options, visit Themes>Theme-Tab while logged into your Weebly online account.

Weebly widgets

Widgets are helpful when you need to add many different features to your site but want them to only take up space in the sidebar or top navigation. For example, Weebly’s Widgets area lets you add basic formattings like text, images, and video content with drag-and-drop simplicity! Using the Weebly app Center, you can also add buttons, maps, or other elements.


With Weebly, you can create your own online store quickly with no technical skills required. The platform is designed for beginners and users who want an easy way to start selling their products online (Without worrying about setting up complicated processes or managing updates themselves)! 

Drag and drop editor

You can create your professional website in minutes with Weebly’s drag-and-drop site builder, eCommerce features, and responsive themes. You’ll be able to sell online without any technical skills! Instead, choose a template, customize it and build your store with just a few clicks. With the free website builder tool, you will have access to around 20 mobile-friendly themes to create a personalized site that looks great on any device.

Blogging and publishing

Weebly’s website building system has an easy-to-navigate interface with a New Page icon below each blog page. It is possible to add anything in the sidebar to an article. There’s no standard blog template, meaning you can use every text, image, or gallery when creating your website. You can control information sharing on Facebook or other social sites, and the comment is automatically deleted. Weebly allows using tags for your post to automatically save and publish the draft. Then you can also add an announcement to your Facebook feed automatically.

Mobile Site Design and App Development

Weebly uses the same mobile web development strategy as Squarespace does. The app generates an attractive mobile website based on your template automatically. Weebly also offers a tool to edit your site on a smartphone. Weebly’s responsive design looks good on smartphones and can be customized in all areas. Weebly has an edge in mobile apps that support iOS or Android. Weebly also offers its own iOS watch app, alerting users when a site is visited, or a transaction is being conducted.

Page management

You may use the side menu to create a site page when you click on Pages in Menubar. It helps you avoid being booted from your preview page. There is also an option to switch from a standard page to a blog page, store page, or external page. We like how we can find our target destination using a click of the menus.

Apps and integrations

If you go through the Apps button of the toolbox, you’ll see an assortment of over 350 widgets you can download for the site—some free. They increase the functionality of a site similar to WordPress plugins. For example, when adding a FAQ app on Weebly, we simply give access to the Weebly profile, similar to authorizing a Web app on Facebook. Once the application is downloaded, you are seen on the installation screen. Again, like WordPress, the quality and functionality of these applications can vary: some have a tutorial, whereas others don’t. For example, you can find some useful apps for Printful and Facebook Chat, with categories for commerce marketing and social applications.

Custom domain

If you own a domain name, your website can use the same address on Weebly (Like example.com). Otherwise, your free Weebly URL will look like this: www.example.weebly.com.

For publishing purposes, you can point to A Records (the technical term). This means all external pages will be delivered via Weebly’s servers instead of yours; this doesn’t require any upgrades on either side! You’ll also have access through Weebly’s control panel, where updates happen easily without having another person or company do them…or wait around while they’re happening.

For other domain name providers, a free SSL certificate can be provided for the site. In addition, a URL forwarding is available if you want to get rid of your Weebly subdomain.

SEO Tools & Analytics

Weebly’s SEO tools are designed with Google in mind and are very useful for optimizing your content. For example, you can submit sitemaps to your website, which will help Google and other search engines crawl the site more easily. You can also generate a “robots.txt” file so that crawlers ignore specific pages or folders in their indexing process. You also have tools to control metadata for each page (Title tags, headlines, descriptions, and keywords).

Also included are social media integration and interaction together with Google Analytics. And third party plugins for analytics like Kissmetrics or Mixpanel are also available. In addition, a new feature called Search Console will list all pages indexed by Google for the site.

Site statistics and mobility

Paid customers can view website activity data on their Weebly sites. Free users will have an overview each day of the month. Still, upgraded accounts will also see page views and individual visitor statistics. In addition, Weebly provides the best hosting options for any web-based site built with Weebly.com. On the Edit Settings page, Weebly allows you to save your website as a compressed ZIP file. You could then send the files by email.

Pros and cons of Weebly Website Builder?

Weebly is well known as a website builder for the most straightforward websites because of its cost-effectiveness. The building of web pages is clear without any knowledge of the web. Square has been a big player in Weebly’s product development since it acquired this company.

Pros Of Weebly

Here we list some advantages of Weebly, and not just compared to Squarespace and WordPress. 

Design Flexibility

Weebly offers a variety of themes that you can use for your site. These aren’t simply run-of-the-mill designs but provide a fantastic mix of free and premium options, so there will always be something to fit any need or taste!

The wide range of options gives users tons of creative freedom when building their websites with Weebly’s builders’ tool. There are themes for almost every industry under the sun, including photography, restaurants, and more. Weebly also has a bunch of premium themes available, which can be customized to fit your needs even better!

Simple and easy-to-use editor

Weebly’s drag-and-drop editor makes creating your website as easy, quick, and simple as ever. You can build the pages you want in seconds. Additional things are available, such as plain text boxes or even more complex product listing blocks! With Weebles’ rapid framework, anyone can build their own sites from scratch without trouble. 

If you want to get your web pages up and running quickly without having to know any HTML or CSS, Weebly has made this straightforward through its simplicity of use,


Hosting with Weebly is very easy, and some users have even said that they found it easier than using Wix to host their sites. All you need to do is sign up for a free account, and you’ll be ready to go! 

As long as your site is hosted on Weebly, it will always be updated automatically to the latest version. You don’t need coding or web development expertise; everything is available from a simple dashboard in your control panel.

Mobile app

The world is shifting to mobile, and even on my own websites, I see more users visiting from phones than laptops. So why not change the development experience? With Weebly’s new app available for iOS and Android, you can edit your site with true touchscreen drag & drop functionality right there!

App center

Weebly’s app center gives you add-on options to increase the capabilities of your website. This keeps core business and extended functionalities separate. As a result, users who only need basic functions won’t get an interface bogged down with tons of extras they’ll never likely use. At least not, unless their price point suits them otherwise! There are four main categories: 

  • eCommerce (for selling)
  • Communication tools like chat or email campaigns
  • Marketing apps that include content strategy guidelines
  • Social networks

Weebly has free and paid plans.

Weebly’s unique pricing scheme offers an unbeatable free plan for as long as you need. It can be kept this way if your website does not require personalized branding or advertisements (e-commerce features). Upgrading to another tier requires additional money but provides more analytics information than their previous offerings. These upgrades include custom domains connected with no advertising backgrounds. Plus, eliminating logos everywhere throughout the site (Perfect if business owners want billing records associated specifically by customer type instead)! If performance matters most, expect prices ranging between $26 and $30 per month. To recap:

  • Weebly offers a long-term free plan with essential features and Weebly advertising.
  • The next level up is the Personal plan which includes a custom domain ($6 per month).
  • The Professional plan is recommended for businesses and includes more analytics features ($12 per month).
  • The highest tier is the Performance plan which lets you connect a store and turn on e-commerce features. It costs $26 or $30 per month, depending on if you choose annual or monthly billing.

Top-Tier Uptime

Site availability is a key feature when using web hosting. Customers can no longer see a website if it is hacked or lost. Our web-based tests were monitored using a monitoring application, and the site was up and running for 14 days. The tool pings the site every fifteen seconds and sends an email if the web server reaches us after one minute. The result shows that Weebly is extremely stable and had hardly fallen during its two-week test cycle. This will help you build an effective website. 

Customer Service

Weebly has a large library of documents and resources, with live chat options for paid accounts. They also offer email support to free users who can get the same attentiveness as those on an active account by checking out this site’s offerings!

Weebly provides many features and resources. However, checking out their phone support or live chat option is always best before contacting customer service. With so much information available on the site–and an easy-to-use interface!–you can find exactly your need without wasting time searching around aimlessly!

Site Speeds

The performance tests show that Weebly’s A grade is still intact. Webpage test shows strong performances in most parts of North America and Europe. This excludes areas close to Canada or Russia, where response times tend to lag more than average because their servers are based there. This may partially be due to the location chosen by entrepreneurs who run the company (so choose yours wisely!)

We also confirmed these findings when running through our own series on web security vulnerabilities.

Social media integration

With Weebly social media integration apps, you can:

  • Encourage visitors to share products across social media.
  • These apps also facilitate discussions and make visitors feel part of the community.
  • Finally, Weebly’s social media integration apps showcase the most recent Instagram photos in a dynamic grid.

Cons Of Weebly

If you looked at Weebly, you would not see all full stars reviews. It’s not about the downsides. All software can face criticism. 

Custom domain is not free.

Weebly is a great website builder but has some limitations if you don’t pay for their service. For example, you can only use custom domains with a paid plan or buy one from Weebly. Even then, they still retain control over your subdomain! It may not make sense because plenty of editors out there will gladly create websites on demand at low prices (even free ones)! But all those options require constant maintenance, which many people lack the time/energy to do nowadays due to our hectic lives!

Blogging with limited capabilities

While it is possible to create blog posts on Weebly, the experience (Compared with WordPress and its dedicated content creation tools) makes for some strange output. For example, the format of each post cannot be changed. Furthermore, only limited options are available in the title or body text (even if you want image attachments). Of course, this might come down to my own familiarity experienced using different platforms. Still, I wish this area had received more attention from them during development. Because, as things stand now, you need more time to put together your articles!

Limited photo editor

There are only a few ways to edit your photos in Weebly’s built-in photo editor – Zoom, Blur/sharpen, and color filters. There’s something about the image editor that won’t let you crop one of the images? That doesn’t make sense, given what they’ve accomplished with Weebly’s site builder so far! You can upload as many photos as you want and then crop them manually or use the only other option, a ‘selective cropping tool.’

If you need more help, you should pay

Weebly offers many support channels to customers, but I felt more was needed. You can get free access to the site’s knowledge base and video tutorials. However, you may want more personalized help or quick responses from an actual person. In that case, there’s a cost involved (Depending upon what kind of question/feedback you are interested in getting addressed by them). This includes basic stuff such as phone calls (or emails) too! They also have live chat capabilities via email address requests AND Facebook messenger integration. So you don’t even need Webex software anymore 😉

What if you are not using Square payment

Payments on Weebly are, by default, handled with Square, which we can consider the “native” payments processing option. One problem here is that, as the native platform, it does not have all features available. For example, accepting credit card payments through Square is only possible if you’re in America or Canada (Because they only allow certain countries’ cards to be processed). As a result, for most non-US folks, opting into another processor will give more flexibility over pricing structures, fees, and funding options.

Making Money With Your Weebly Site

The best way to make money online is by creating quality content. This rule applies to Weebly websites, too (Like other traffic-driven websites!)

The critical factor in gaining search engine rankings for any site is Google’s algorithm updates (Which have frequently been changing these days). But if you provide good enough information, people will be okay with spending their time downloading or browsing through it. Because they’ll be getting valuable info from what was posted there first place (As opposed to just showing up at random spots within someone else’s content base).

Affiliate website: It’s easy to make money with Weebly! You can create your website and then go out there on the internet as an affiliate marketer. Still, you must know what steps are necessary if you want success. First, you must focus on tasks like writing blogs about products that carry some weight. This will help generate more traffic entering sites directly through search engines rather than clicking links sent straight upward by email campaigns that too often come off as spam.

Sell products: Selling products on your website is a great way to build trust with potential customers. For example, you can create an e-book or video course about the topic of expertise you have and then sell it for profit through Weebly websites. This kind of website does not require many pages. Still, Weebly has blogging features that will help generate free traffic from Google searches (And social media marketing campaigns such as Facebook ads.)

Online store: Create your online store with Weebly and start selling products today! It’s important to decide what types of goods you’ll offer before launching, so figure out everything first. 

Once all the details are set in stone, go ahead and launch – who knows? This new venture isn’t as difficult or time-consuming as expected!

Design websites: You can also use Weebly to create websites for others and make some money in the process! When you sign up with this website builder, note how many pages it gives you. Weebly offers 20 free page templates and 16 custom designs, so there’s plenty to choose from if your design skills are top-notch (we hope!). If not? Don’t worry. Most users find it easy enough to plop things down into place without extensive experience designing sites. But still want more power over their layout.

Compare Weebly Alternatives

Weebly is one of the best-known platforms, but there are other website builders for creating a business site. There are plenty of alternatives available and most offer a free version you can use to start building your own site.

Here are some alternatives to Weebly that may be worth considering:

  • WordPress: This is one of the most widely used website builders, and it is easy to use and highly customizable.
  • Wix: Another popular website builder with a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for beginners to get started quickly.
  • Shopify: If you want to create an online store, then Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms.

Choosing the right website builder for your needs will depend on your experience level and what you hope to achieve with your website. So first, research what other users think about the different options, and then choose the one that is right for you.

How to start with Weebly sites

Sign up first

Click “Get started” at the top of the Weebly website:

  • Then type in your name and email and create a new password.
  • After clicking ‘Sign Up, you will be asked what kind of website you would like to create
  • Select either “I want a personal website” or “I want a business website.”
  • If you select the latter option, you will be redirected to Square Online.
  • When you have selected your desired choice, you will be directed to Weebly’s template library, where you can begin creating your site.

Pick a theme

Weebly is a great starting point for anyone who wants to build their own website without paying an arm and a leg. With 50 free themes, you’ll find one that fits your needs in no time! You can also change templates at any given moment (Which makes this platform much more versatile than Wix or Squarespace). For example, some people may need to be more aesthetically pleasing. However, they come with added features, such as modifying text sizes while still seeing how things would look when published online.

Add your domain

To ensure your site looks professional, you need a custom domain. Weebly offers free subdomains for its users. However, suppose you want something more unique and memorable. In that case, there’s nothing better than building your brand upon a professionally created name!

Custom domains are a great way to make your site stand out from the competition. When you choose one, Weebly will register your free domain with its features and benefits. This ensures no other person can use this particular domain name or imitate yours in any shape!

Design your site

Let’s look at the website editor’s appearance when you first open it. It’s simple, with only five menus and features to choose from! And if we zoom in on our template selection window here (Which has all kinds of options for designing awesome websites, too), then this is how they’ll appear. So don’t worry about not knowing exactly where everything goes just yet. You will learn it all in no time.

Pick your apps

Your website needs more than just basic functionality – you need tools to boost performance and increase conversions. Weebly’s App Center provides the best apps for any business. Including those tailored specifically toward optimizing your site’s features so it can rank higher on search engines like Google or Bing!

Choose your plan

We’ve assumed you’re happily building on the free plan. However, there are cases where you might want to upgrade. For example, unlock advanced features like custom domains and unlimited ad displays.

Weebly offers a pretty affordable paid option with no time limit or bandwidth restrictions. But what if your needs go beyond these basics? If stretching limited finances isn’t an issue, you can check out Weebly’s upgraded plans. This gives you all sorts of extras, including private access panels (This way, designers can work on the site from any PC and never be disturbed). But, of course, you’re only paying for what you need to use. So don’t be intimidated by higher price tags on these plans – they’re perfectly tailored to your requirements! There are four price plans to choose from:

  • Personal, Professional, Performance, and Premium.
  • The Personal plan is $6 per month (billed annually).
  • The Professional plan is $12 per month (billed annually).
  • The Performance plan is $26 per month (billed annually). 
  • The Premium plan is $72 per month (billed annually).


So, you’ve created a Weebly website and are ready to publish it? Awesome! If you are not completely happy with what you just did (and who wouldn’t be), head back to your dashboard to make changes. Of course, you can always go through this process again by hitting “Publish” on your newly minted web pages.

Weebly for equipment rental businesses

Looking for a great tool for managing your equipment rental business? Look no further than Weebly! With its intuitive interface and wide range of customizable features, Weebly is the perfect choice for businesses of all sizes. So whether you’re looking to improve your site’s performance on search engines (Like Google or Bing) or are just looking for some extra functionality to boost conversions, Weebly has everything you need.

With Weebly, you always have the option to use the built-in e-commerce feature. And if your preferred payment processor is Square, then Weebly is a perfect choice. Because Square is the native payment option for this platform. And with affordable paid plans and a free option available, it’s easy to get started right away! 


If you want a professional-looking website with all the bells and whistles, Weebly is the platform to go for! Whether you need online tools to boost your performance (And increase conversions) or custom domains to ensure no one else can imitate your site, this platform has everything you need to create a high-quality online presence. So why wait? Start using Weebly today and start building the website of your dreams!

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