Depending on the nature of your rental company, you will need to install online booking software to improve the booking experience. There are critical features for a booking software that should be featured for the software to meets the demand of the rental companies when it comes to booking experiences. Most of the companies have been operating on a paper-based system where the customer makes numerous calls or visits the company to make a booking, which is a lengthy process.

However, with online booking software, it would enhance the booking and improve the customer’s experience, thus guarantee excellent customer satisfaction. In addition to that, it’s important to note many software provider companies offer software for the companies. Therefore, the company would need to conduct due diligence before they would consider the best in the company. Here are the key features of booking software.

Support Different Currencies And Language

As a rental company, you will be targeting different people across the globe to make the booking; hence, you need to introduce software that could be accessed with a different language. For instance, the software should be adopting English as default language and also supports some other language such as French and Germany.

On the other hand, different currencies are used while making a payment, and the software should accept various currencies. For instance, the software should accept dollars, euros, among other currencies.  This feature would improve the customer’s experience.

Payment Integration

Booking software should be integrated to support multiple online payment methods, which include PayPal, among others. For instance, with PayPal, its a much secure way of paying for an item online rather than sharing your credit card details online. Also, the customers would likely accept PayPal as the default method of payment due to its reputation in the market. Ensure this feature is available before you would settle on the online booking software.

Text Message Support

When you are looking for the booking software, you should look for software that supports the use of the telephone to enhance excellent customer support. For instance, when the customers make the booking, they should receive a confirmation call from the company. At times the customers may experience challenges while on the software, and he can use the customer’s support contact and get assistance. Help database is significant when it comes to online booking and would ensure the customers gets the best experience ever while on the site.

Booking Via Tablets And Smartphone

A booking software should be accessible through smartphones and tablets by the customers. In the past, the software could only be accessed through a laptop or a computer, but with the development of technology, the booking should be made through phones. For instance, the software should be run on the cloud where the customer can access it anytime through their phone as long as you get connected with the internet.  In this case, it would increase the bookings which are made by the customers.

Security Features Of The Software

Security is a key consideration which the company should make while choosing the best software to use. Every customer would be interested to know how safe their details are online, and this would increase the booking rate. Even if the systems have all the other features in place and do not guarantee the security of the customer details, it would be hard for the customer to trust the software. Ensure all the data which are provided by the customers on the software are secured and cannot be accessible by third- party.

Easy To Use

The booking process should be relatively easy for customers to make their bookings. For instance, the steps which are followed to book for equipment successfully should be reduced to save time consumed. If the process is lengthy, there is an excellent chance that the customers may withdraw a consider another company with a simpler process. In addition to that, the software should be user- friendly to allow the customers to navigates on the site without any challenges. Loading time should be reduced, and this would reduce the time to make a single booking by the customers.

Offline Booking

Booking software should come with different options where you can make the booking while online and also when you are offline. In this case, it would be possible for the customers to make bookings even when they are not connected with WI-FI connection. It should be possible for one to access the software without necessarily having an internet connection, and this would be the most significant innovation which the business would introduce to the customers.

Review System

Every customer who visits the software online would be much interested to see the reviews of the other guest who have made a booking before. The software should have an option where a customer can add experience after using the software, and it would get accessed by other customers who visit the website. If you have good reviews, it will increase the chances for the customers to make bookings as compared to when you have negatives ratings. It’s a great benefit if the software has the review system since it boosts the booking rates.

Google Maps Integration

Booking software should have Google maps, which would indicate where the company is for the customer to locate it without many challenges. When the customer search for the company, the Google maps should be able to redirect the customer to the actual location on the Google map. For instance, with a pinpoint on the website, it makes the directions simpler. In addition to that, if there is a Google map and pinpoint on the software, it would increase the SEO of the business, which is very important.

To Sum Up

With the above must-have features for a booking software, it would ensure the business gets the best software, which would increase the customer experience on the site. In addition to that, the business needs to ensure they have trained all their staff on how to use the software, and this would increase customer satisfaction, thus promote customer retention rate.

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