4 reasons to buy scooter rental insurance

Before renting a scooter, it is strongly advised to review the coverage of the personal automobile insurance policy. In some cases, the insurance on the personal automobile can be duplicated for the rented scooter. Before making a decision, it is advised to look over the insurance policy options.

Personal Insurance Coverage

Any personal auto insurance policy may include liability, collision, or comprehensive coverage options. These coverages may automatically extend to scooter rental management options as well.

Liability coverage

This option includes covering damages caused by other vehicles in the case of accidents. This coverage may also be extended to scooter rentals.  If the personal auto policy already covers this aspect, there is no need to buy the extra rental policy.

Comprehensive coverage

This insurance option covers making payments for repairs in the vehicle if it is damaged by theft, vandalism, natural disasters, etc. Keep in mind that this option may be extended for a rental vehicle. Thus, it is always better to check with insurance firms before buying extra auto insurance.

Collision coverage

This option assists in paying for damages if the vehicle collides with any other exterior object (a tree, any fence, or any other vehicle). This option may be extendable to the rented automobile.

Moreover, certain credit cards also provide additional insurance if one uses them for buying scooter rentals. In addition, if you receive extra rental auto insurance through a credit card issuer, it may be possible that they provide an option of paying the extra insurance which exceeds the personal insurance coverage. Thus, it is always better to call the credit card company before applying for an extra scooter rental insurance policy. In addition to the coverage options mentioned above, an individual may also be charged for the “loss of use” of the scooter or when it needs to be repaired. So, again, read the insurance policy’s terms and conditions before applying for scooter rental insurance. One can also take the help of a professional firm that can explain the different terms and consequences of buying extra insurance for a scooter rental management system.

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