Rentrax Tour Booking Software Features

Rentrax Travel Booking Software can help you succeed in attaining a top position in today’s booming online tour booking industry. Our travel booking software provides everything that you and your valuable customers need. From uploading great content, checking availability, making bookings and payments, to managing your inventory and customer records, etc., our travel booking software has got you covered.

Rentrax Customer satisfaction team
Person using a booking app on a smartphone. Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

In today’s technology-driven online highly competitive world, the success of your business is dependent on two important things. Firstly, how you interact with your clients, and second, how you facilitate them in a manner that involves less effort on their part.

For instance, take the example of the online tour booking industry.

Rather than having huge offices with a lot of staff and huge turnover, investing in a reliable tour booking software, has become the forefront of this industry.

During the last few years, the internet has completely revolutionized this sector. The competition has become so fierce that businesses cannot afford to wait for customers to physically come for inquiries and make bookings.

Instead, they need to approach the clients by providing them an online front. This way the customers can go online at their convenience, gather all the required information, compare the available options, and then based on their best judgment, finalize their bookings.

What is the Rentrax Tour Booking Software?

If you are a tour booking business owner or manager and looking for the best tour booking software, you are fortunate to have landed at the right place.

Rentrax Tour Booking Software is a leading name in the online tour booking industry. Our all-in-one tour booking software has bundled all solutions to your every need in a single package.

Highlights of the Rentrax Tour Booking Software

Despite being so confident about the fact that Rentrax can help you in achieving your business goals, we still believe that before you make any investment decisions, you should know about the software extensive capabilities.

All the features of the Rentrax Tour Booking Software can be easily categorized into these main groups:

  1. Tour Builder
  2. Inventory Management
  3. Online Booking Form
  4. Payment and Booking Engine
  5. Back-Office System

Tour Builder

Rentrax Tour Booking Software comes with a tour builder which allows you to define any kind of tour with so many adjustable attributes. You can build tours with starting point and destination, which would be active on certain calendar date for specific age groups and so much more.

The simple point to remember while using our tour builder is to know that ‘looks matter’. The view that your website presents will either make a prospective client stay or leave your website immediately within just a few seconds of visiting it. So, it is important to optimize your website to attract the maximum amount of traffic to the Rentrax tour booking page.

Inventory Management

If you are running a tour business which includes rental items (Like Bikes, Scooter, …), then there is not much software out there that support inventory management at the same time. You either must handle this part manually or buy a second software to do this for you. At the end of the day running two software side by side is not so practical because they are not linked together. You will not notice which item is available now for your next tour and which one is out there.

Luckily, because Rentrax initially was started as a rental management software, it already comes with a built-in inventory management system. This will allow a tour business to keep track of the items that are attached to tours. So, you can easily manage your fleet of bikes or scooters without being worried about your bookings and item availability.

Language and currency option

Being in the tour booking business, you do not want to restrict yourself to a limited area or country. Being online means that your website will be visited by an international audience as well.

All of this brings a huge opportunity and potential for you to scale your tour booking business. But this is only possible when your website visitors get to experience locally tailored support and preferences.

With Rentrax Tour Booking Software, your website offers the option to view the tour packages in multiple languages. This way your website visitors feel more confident in planning their bookings.

Also, international traveling is subject to changes in currency as well. This means that the basic currency of your website might be different from your visitors’ local currency. Thanks to our tour booking software, your website can show prices in local currencies as well.

This feature provides two advantages to your customers.

  • First, it saves them from the hassle to inquire about the prevailing exchange rate and whether their method of converting is correct or not. This is because normal exchange rates are also subject to other conversion fees, banking fees, and any hidden charges which most people know nothing about.
  • Second, by viewing prices in the local currency, your clients know which tour plan suits their budget. They can also input their budget details to filter the results of their searches. Due to this feature, they get to save their time by not wasting it in viewing irrelevant tour plans.

Payment and Booking Engine

The next main category that Rentrax is managing is processing of payments and bookings.

Booking handling

Gone are the days when travelers had to worry about the availability of tour plans or unexpected cancellation of their bookings, etc. These things were usually due to any possible delays for critical information in reaching them on time or other unforeseen reasons.

With Rentrax, your clients always remain in the loop because there is a reliable tour booking engine working at the backend of your website.

Without getting any last-minute shocks by finding that their desired tour plan is not available anymore, all of your clients, before they dig any further into the secondary details, are informed beforehand on whether a particular tour plan is available or not on their selected dates.

In case their intended tour plan is available for the dates they have selected, our tour booking software will also inform on how many more bookings under the same conditions can be accepted. This way your clients know if they should hurry in finalizing the current tour plan or instead look for other similar options.

They know that all the information that they are currently viewing such as the prices, offers and discounts, availability, and what is included in each tour package, is being constantly updated and is, therefore, the latest.

All of this gives them a chance to make more sound decisions while booking tours.

Payment processing

Similarly, upon finalizing their booking details, your clients can conveniently add payment details and proceed towards checkout. Our integrated payment gateway processes every transaction and sends the client a confirmation for their booked tour.

In this way, your business is running effortlessly on a 24/7 basis while you sit back and watch.

This means that no matter what time of day it is, your clients can come in, browse, or search for the appropriate tour plans, and proceed towards bookings and payments.

And all this being done while the Rentrax Tour Booking Software seamlessly functions to update the availability of your inventory, process payments on time, and transmit relevant information to you and your clients.

Effortless and stress-free, isn’t it?

Back-Office System

The third critical feature of the Rentrax Tour Booking Software is its back-office system where you get to do your work about handling your business.

But do not worry, there are not many tasks for you to do except things that require administrative authority. For everything else, our tour booking software is standing on-guard and remains in full action always.

Things like managing inventory and bookings, adding more plans, updating content, managing payments, handling agent data, and a few more managerial level things are what will require your time.

Customer Reviews and Security

Another two important things that you get to have and manage with our tour booking software are customer reviews and security.

Customer reviews

In the online world, customer reviews are everything. They can either help you build or completely ruin your tour booking business, making it vanish like it never existed.

Good customer reviews play an important role in bringing more sales to your tour booking website. So do not under any circumstances underestimate their importance or consider them unnecessary.

Businesses that understand how good reviews can be capitalized into further business will always try to lure their clients into writing reviews by offering things like discounts on their subsequent bookings, etc.


With the Rentrax Tour Booking Software, all your client information, booking, and payment details always remain secure.

This helps your tour booking business to build a trustworthy relationship with its clients and makes them come back again and again.

Discussion board showing various GUI of an app. Photo by NEW DATA SERVICES on Unsplash

How to prepare your website to have the best result with Rentrax

In the below sections, we discuss the various elements of your website while using our tour builder that will individually and as a group play an important role in making a visitor stay on your website and proceed further.

Choosing the right theme

To begin with, you need to choose the right theme and color for your order form that corresponds with other essential elements of your business website. The color scheme you pick should match or be in contrast with your business logo. Remember that each color has its meaning and speaks a lot about who you are, what you offer, and what values you hold.

Placing the options and other elements to interact with clients.

Then, look at the options and elements that interact with the client when they visit your booking page. How would you like to make them begin their journey on your website? This is something you need to carefully plan.

For example, some websites upon visit show a dialog box asking visitors to subscribe for newsletters and get special offers, discounts, or eBooks in return in their inbox.

As the offers and pop-up boxes are getting more annoying in the eyes of search engines, a safe and simple approach is dragging the visitor’s attention to the actual order form instead.

You can also start with a brief form to ask the visitors about what they are interested in. Based on this, your website can automatically provide valuable suggestions as well as call-to-action (CTAs) to direct them to the tour booking page.

Content that captivates user attention

Your website’s content is playing the most important role to keep audience engaged. Since there is no physical conversation going on, your content should speak for itself. Aside from using professionally written copies of attention-grabbing and action-seeking content, you can also upload high-quality images and videos for each tour on your tour booking website.

The ability to use high-quality content and let the prospective clients virtually visit and look over even minor details of every tour package is something that takes good tour booking software on a whole new level.

Luckily, Rentrax Tour Booking Software offers this privilege to its clients for their clients.

Connecting your social media accounts

While building your tour booking website with the Rentrax, you need to start connecting your social media accounts as the most valuable traffic channel for your business.

Remember that much of your potential clientele is roaming on social media platforms in search of better tour booking options.

Likewise, many of the first-time visitors to your website may or may not remember your website name and address but would certainly want to stay updated about the latest happenings.

By liking or following your social media accounts, your current and prospective clients can stay updated with the latest deals and promotions and book tours promptly by availing special limited-time deals.

Optimize for device display type!

One of the essential features of today’s websites is to offer optimization for different device display types. Your clients should not feel bored while browsing your website and experience the same level of service irrespective of the device they are using. In the same way, smartphones come with various screen sizes and screen-to-body ratios. Your website needs to be well-equipped to handle all of this.


Now that you are aware of the features that distinguish Rentrax Tour Booking Software from other tour booking systems, it is certainly time for you to act.

Simply, give us a call or book a demo to see the Rentrax Tour Booking System in action. Remember that at Rentrax, your customer’s satisfaction is our priority.

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