Do you know there is a free online booking system that you can install for your business? There are many systems that you can adopt and help increase online sales made by businesses. With the growth in the level of technology globally, businesses need to incorporate the new systems and ensure there is the effective management of the businesses.

Booking an appointment with the business, especially those offering the services, has been a major problem. Therefore, there is a need to have an updated system that ensures all the bookings are managed effectively in the business. In this article, we shall consider the best online booking system that the businesses can adapt and improve the booking level, which is done online.

Square Appointments

It’s considered as the overall best software which is used for the scheduling, payment, and also the SMS for the customers online and thus making it possible for the business owners to manage their business online and also ensure all the customers get satisfied with the booking platform which is provided by the business. Square appointments give you all the key features that are supposed to be included in the scheduling software without hiding anything. Therefore, ensuring there is a high level of transparency between the business people and the customers.

With the system in place, you can set up a web page for the client, which will allow them to access and open all the available slots and proceed to book for the appointment. After successfully booking, you will be notified with an email or an SMS, which will also act as reminders to ensure that you don’t miss the date which you have been slotted for the services. For instance, the appointment will be synced with the Google Calendar, and therefore it will be removed from your booking page and therefore ensure there is a conflict that arises.


Picktime software is cloud based appointment software that can be adopted by the business and increase online sales by giving the clients a platform to make their booking. It is designed to have have appointment reminders through SMS so that petty issues of missed appointments are avoided. The business will increase the revenue generated since there is high access to the number of clients who book for the services. It comes with an online calendar, making it easy for the customers to reschedule or cancel old appointments, books and excel sheets.


Skedda is another booking system that has automated the booking process online to ensure all the online customers can access the services by making the appointment in advance. It is possible for the admins and users to interact without any challenges, thus ensuring that all the bookings are done online. It allows the admins’ tom to determine who will make the bookings through the use of all the available features. For instance, alongside targeting the general public, it’s also possible for the business to target a few customers by sending the invitation offer, which they are customized effectively.

In addition to that, it allows the customers to create accounts and secure them with the passwords, and they will be expected to authenticate themselves when they want to use the services. The admins in the system have full access and control, and this makes it possible for the manager to control all the bookings and ensure all the users can comply with all the set guidelines and the policies.

On the other hand, the users can access the system anywhere and proceed to make their bookings for themselves through the available slots and specify the time when they are available. The system has incorporated the use of online payments, which allows the users to make the payment.

Shedul software

It’s booking software that is the best fit for the salon and spas due to the features incorporated in the systems to ensure that all the customers can access the system and make their booking. It’s simple, flexible, and powerful booking software for the businesses available on the cloud, thus making it more accessible. It has been used successfully by 40,000 businesses and more than 150,000 stylists and therapists for customer booking, which is a good assurance that the software can work effectively.

Online customers can supercharge their appointments by making use of the online platform, which is available, which includes the website and the booking apps. In addition to that, the customers can cancel or reschedule their appointment with the business anytime through the app. It reduces the chance for no-shows by the customers, which is very common with physical applications. The software also allows the business to manage the customers more efficiently, thus ensuring there is optimal delivery, which ensures customer satisfaction. For instance, the hair salons that have been able to introduce the new systems in place have benefited, and they have managed all the bookings that are done online.


The system is the best fit for all the online bookings, which relates to all the industry services, making it very optimal. It’s a cloud-based software that makes it available online, and therefore the customers can access them anywhere at any given time. It allows integration with other websites and makes it possible for businesses to provide a booking platform for all the customers online.

In addition to that, the booking could also be done via Facebook, Instagram, and also Google, which relatively make it simpler for the customers to access the services which are offered by the businesses. The software is designed and customized as the service providers want so that the business is as professional as it should be.

The system is updated with the notification where the clients usually get the reminder notifications through the SMS and the email whenever the appointments have been booked. With the notification on your phone, the customers can access more information through the mobile app. On the other hand, there is also a security guarantee where there is data backup and therefore ensure there is no data loss and also access by the third party.


It’s a cloud-based software that can be used by the customers to make the online booking for the product or the services in a more convenient manner, which enhances the level of the management of the business. It’s a CRM based appointment scheduling software. It is designed for the small business which does not target as many customers as those of the large businesses. Its main focus is to ensure the customers get the best services after making the online booking. It ensures there is a double booking for the same product or the business’s services, which is a common phenomenon with manual bookings.

On the other hand, the software accepts the payment from other payment gateways, which includes PayPal, making it possible for the customers to make the booking and pay for the services. It has other key features, including the track leads, email tracking, calendar integration, and many other key features.


There are great advantages that come with this software, which include being available in the cloud, which makes the software to be accessible by the clients within 24/7 and also improved security features, which make it possible for the business to protect its data against any manipulation by the third- party.

The features that come with the software make it possible for the booking page to be standalone and, therefore, facilitates the clients in accessing all the bookings made by the business. It is relatively easy to make the set-up for the software by ensuring you fill in all the details needed to start accepting the booking.

You can customize the website and incorporate the business logo with all the needed details, allowing the clients to make their reviews once they make their booking. The software is published in the network, which makes the business more accessible to many clients in the market. For instance, with access to Google, Facebook, and other Bling search, it increases business visibility. On the other hand, with the Facebook widget, your clients can make their booking through the business Facebook pages.

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It’s a booking software which is readily available online for the customers to make their booking online. It operates differently as compared to other software due to the features which the software comes with. For instance, with the software, your customers can access and make appointments offline, which makes it possible for more sales to be made.

For instance, the software works more effectively with other desktop applications, which ensures there is good integration with other applications. In addition to that, the software has more access to other lists of business software, including QuickBooks, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM. This ensures there is a provision of the right codes used for the copy and paste to the website. In addition to that, it’s important to note that the software also provides 24/7 customer support, ensuring effective communication with the customers.

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