Why Your Sports Rental Store Needs an Online Reservation System

If you have a traditional sports rental store, the thought of implementing an online reservation system must have crossed your mind on many occasions. This system could help streamline your business operations, improve customer experience, and lead to higher revenue.

Rentrax is a sports rental management software that makes it easy to implement an online booking system for your sports rental store. This rental software has been used by a number of rental businesses of all types, from bicycle rentals to scooter rentals, ski rentals, sports equipment rentals, and more.

We proposed 3 questions you may have about switching to Rentrax’s online reservation system for your sports goods store.

#1: I have a very complex business and I’m afraid switching to Rentrax from my present manual booking system could be difficult.

Rentrax is a very sophisticated rental management software that is fully capable of taking on any sort of complexity while maintaining a simple yet aesthetically pleasing interface. The software can be customized or tailored to fit your requirements and incorporates advanced pricing mechanisms such as dynamic rental pricing.
It allows for real-time inventory management and equipment tracking and enables pre-authorization of credit cards for security deposits. What’s more, the software prevents overbooking and provides customized questions for the customers to read and answer during the booking process. Yes, you can trust Rentrax to handle your complex business requirements.

#2: I am not computer illiterate. I have only used a manual system all my life. What if I have a hard time managing your software?

You have nothing to worry about because Rentrax is one of the easiest and most user-friendly software applications out there. Not only is it easy to use, but it is also easy to implement and easy to install. You don’t need any technical expertise of any sort to use this software.

The benefits of a completely cloud-based system have won over many small businesses including some of your competitors leading them to switch to cloud-based software. What are you waiting for? It’s time you switched on to Rentrax as well – it’s really simple, just see this demo to see how it works.

#3: But why should I sign up for an online booking system? I already have a contact form on my website that my customers could use to get in touch with me and make a booking…

There’s nothing wrong with a contact form on the website, but rental management software or an online reservation system does more than that. For one, it accepts payments from customers and does the scheduling of the equipment all by itself, without human intervention. This is a completely automated system that saves time and improves customer experience. Rentrax allows you to get more done in less time and hire fewer employees – so it saves money as well.

If you have any questions about Rentrax, you are welcome to have a chat with our friendly customer service reps.

We are currently offering a free 30-day trial offer, so sign up ASAP!

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