Our Rental Solutions

Rental Management Software for Unique Rental Businesses

You’re here because you need rental management software that works for you. You’re also here because your rental business doesn’t quite fit into the more common business models out there. Well, don’t fear, as Rentrax has a wide range of powerful features that make it ideal for a wide range of companies and rental niches. Sure, we began life as a bike rental company and this pushed us to develop bike rental software first of all, but Rentrax has built on its success and we have developed our own rental management system that can be applied to various business models. We can customize how the software functions so that it works perfectly for your needs. Keep reading to find out more.

Rental Software Solutions


Why Might Rentrax Rental Software Work for You

While we talk at length about using our rental software for tour operators, there are many other nuanced ways to make Rentrax work for you. We will discuss some of the benefits and features of our rental management software below, but we also encourage you to contact us directly if you have any questions or if you would like to speak directly to one of our experts by scheduling a demo.

Whether your business involves medical & mobility rental equipmenttool & equipment rentals, or something else altogether, Rentrax is confident that our software — and our incredible personal service — can provide all of the functionality and ease of life you need to choose us over other rental software options available. Rentrax allows you to do everything you could possibly need for a rental business, including monitoring sales in real time, managing stock, creating reports, and controlling SKUs so that customers only see what you want them to see. Even with all of this, Rentrax is capable of so much more.

The best part is that we are always happy to show our clients how they can make the most out of our software, both by demonstrating all of its functions, but also by talking to you, learning about your business, and actively finding ways to make your business easier to run and more profitable. This is all part of Rentrax’s ethos that centers around offering software as a service where there are always friendly experts happy to help you make the most of our incredible software. Our rental management software allows you to stay organized, keeping your business information in one place. And as the data is all in the cloud, it can never get lost. If something happens to your computer or tablet, there’s no problem as your business’s information is completely safe.

Medical & Mobility Equipment Rental Software

Medical & Mobility Equipment

If you rent out medical equipment, we make things easier for patients, and for you.

Tool Rental Software Solution

Tool & Plant Hire Rental Software

If you run a tool and equipment rental business, you need to use our Tool Rental Software.

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