Go Paperless With The Best Cloud-Based Sports Rental Software

Rentrax is a Cloud Based Rental Equipment Software and sports rental management software. This rental software eliminates the need for paper as it is entirely based on the cloud. Why is it so important to go paperless?

According to a recent study, 30% of an employee’s work time is taken up by searching for paper. You don’t want your staff to search for paper – you want them to focus on providing better customer service.

Nowadays, most renters are very comfortable with working on the internet. Most of your customers are likely Millennials who crave efficiency and expect a streamlined customer experience. Their lives are completely integrated into the tech world, making platforms like social media and google an essential part of how they interact with businesses.

Furthermore, a paperless environment may also mean less energy consumption while customizing documents to meet their needs.

You should go paperless and sign up for Rentrax – the best cloud-based rental equipment software.

1: Automation

Rentrax allows you to automate your workflow so that you can manage your store in a much more efficient manner.

You can, for example, pull up the reservation details quickly in a matter of seconds. Rentrax is one of the best online reservation systems for sports rentals and the best Cloud Based Rental Equipment Software. It allows you to store, retrieve or search for reservations much faster than you can within a traditional paper-based system.

2: Better customer service

Rentrax saves time so your staff can focus on more important tasks, such as customer service.

Instead of waiting in a queue for the paperwork to be completed, your customers can register and sign up for your sports equipment on their smartphones or tablets. They can even sign their contracts electronically, which can speed up purchase requests, loan approvals, expense reports, contracts, and much more.

3: Cloud-based

Rentrax is a cloud-based system. All contracts are stored in the cloud, so there is no risk of losing your customer files or data. If you have a bike rental, for example, you don’t have to worry about losing the information on the bikes, such as the height, pedals, and so on. You can track your bikes and the rest of your inventory with the click of a button. Rentrax is easily one of the best inventory-tracking software for rental businesses. All invoices are electronic, so you don’t have to worry about printing them out. You can also monitor your business tax and insurance information. Any relevant documents, such as passports or driver’s licenses, can be scanned and digitally saved in the cloud to be accessed whenever needed.

4: Security

Since all the information is stored in the cloud, Rentrax provides you with maximum security.

You don’t have to worry about your documents getting damaged in a disaster such as fire, flood, etc. All the data is stored in the cloud and backed up regularly, so no matter what happens, your files are safe.

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