15 Rental Business Ideas


The entire rental industry is huge as it comprises numerous rental niches all joined together by one concept: customers pay to borrow equipment, then give it back, allowing the business to make a much higher return on investment than if they had simply sold the equipment.

Brief Guide to Software Solutions for Ski and Bike Rentals


Shopping around for rental software for your business isn’t as easy as shopping for new rental stock, or even where you’re going to establish your store. This is because rental software has to perform a rich variety of functions for your business and it can be difficult to fully anticipate everything you’ll need it to do.

Product Categories in a sports equipment rental software

Rentrax software comes with a feature for configuring your product categories and individual products. You can enter as many items as you want in Rentrax. The back-end dashboard was deliberately designed to be easy to use and understand through a simple and attractive interface. Product categories in sports equipment rental software should be easy to … Read more